Cast : Philippe Laudenbach, Philippe Morier-Genoud, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Fanny Ardant
1982 / thriller / France / original title : VIVEMENT DIMANCHE ! / 111’ / Noir & blanc / status : completed / French / long feature-film / French collections
Based on ‘The Long Saturday Night’ by Charles Williams. The story is set over the course of a few nights in a small town in the South of France. Julien Vercel, director of a real estate agency, finds himself suspected of a double murder: that of his wife, Marie-Christine, and her lover, Claude Massoulier. As circumstantial evidence is against him and a third murder is attributed to him, Julien Vercel takes off to escape the police. His secretary, Barbara, conducts her own inquiry in a bid to find out the truth. She gets herself into some worrying, unexpected situations.