A film by François Truffaut

Cast : Charles Aznavour, Nicole Berger, Marie Dubois

1960 / comedy. drama / France / original title : SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER / 80’ / status : completed / French / long feature-film / French and International catalog

Based on the novel by David Goodis, ‘Down There’ Charlie Kohler, the pianist at Plyne’s Bistro, is a sad, absent-minded, secretive man. His strange brothers are in trouble with some crooks. One evening, one of them is being chased and seeks refuge with Charlie in the bistro. Léna the waitress is in love with Charlie and knows about his past. Charlie – whose real name is Edouard Saroyan – was a great pianist until his wife Thérésa committed suicide. Léna wants to help Charlie to become Edouard once more. Together they hand in their notice to Plyne, but he starts a fight, and Charlie kills him. The couple goes on the run.