A film by Alexander Korda

Cast : Raimu, Pierre Fresnay, Orane Demazis

1931 / drama / France / 127’ / Noir & blanc / status : completed / French / long feature-film / All Rights / French and International catalog

Marius is a young man who is excited by the sea. He loves his father César, gruff and good-natured, and also loves the little Fanny who sells shells in front of César’s bar. Since his childhood, the desire to run the world inflames him. He fights against his madness. He doesn’t want to abandon his father, who might die of grief, nor little Fanny, who thinks only of him. And yet the sea is there…


«A marvelous, lusty film.»

Chicago Reader

«A superbly performed an dpolished romantic drama.»

The Hollywood Reporter

Pro section

press kit

Poster (1.53 Mb)