Cast : Marion Mack, Glenn Cavender, Buster Keaton
1926 / adventure. comedy / Etats-Unis / original title : THE GENERAL / 79’ / status : completed / long feature-film
The American Civil War, c. 1862. Johnny Gray is rejected by the Confederate army, because he is deemed to be more useful as an engine driver. But his girl, Annabelle Lee thinks it’s because he’s a coward. He proves her wrong by setting off in single-handed pursuit of the Unionists who have taken both his train and his girl. He manages to rescue them both.
Restored in 2016 by Lobster Films in collaboration with Film Preservation Associates, from a 35mm safety archival negative in the Blackhawk Films Collection and an original diacetate print in a private collection.
Available in 2K, score by Robert Israel
«Buster Keaton’s pioneering 1926 film, now rereleased, more or less invented the action movie and looks even more startling than ever. Spectacular chases, fires and explosions are captured with fluid camerawork. There are no stunt doubles for Keaton and of course no digital effects.»
The Guardian