Cast : Fernandel, Orane Demazis, Fernand Charpin
1937 / comedy / France / original title : LE SCHPOUNTZ / 160’ / Noir & blanc / status : completed / French / long feature-film / All Rights / French and International catalog
A young grocer’s clerk with a penchant for mythology, Irénée, decides to change his life and convinces himself to become a famous actor. To reach his goal, he must work with a film crew who has a cruel joke for him in reserve…
«he scene in which Fernandel declaims in all tones: “Any person condemned to death will have his head cut off” is to cinema what the «nose tirade» in Cyrano de Bergerac is to theatre"»
«Fernandel gives one of his funniest and most restrained performances as the grocer-star.»
The New York Times