Cast : Jacky Ido, Jean-Baptiste Anoumon, Tatiana Rojo, Ralph Amoussou, Gilles Cohen
2017 / comedy. dramedy / original title : CHATEAU / 81’ / Color / status : completed / long feature-film / International collections
Dapperly dressed Charles, nicknamed the Prince, is the charismatic leader of a group of hustlers that cajole potential clients into the hair salons around Paris’ Chateau d’Eau metro station. But Charles has dreams of his own – settling down and owning Mourat’s failing barber shop.
A kaleidoscopic portrait of daily life in a working-class area of Paris, captivatingly seen through the eyes of the employees and clientele of the African hair salons located there, with a more general homage to the French capital, and the resourcefulness and vivacity of the people who live in it.
«A funny, benevolent, smart comedy»
Les Inrockuptibles