A film by David Zellner, Nathan Zellner

Cast : Cate Blanchett

comedy. Science Fiction / USA / Color / status : in pre-production / English / long feature-film

Two-time Academy Award® winner and six-time Academy Award® nominee Cate Blanchett to lead a star-studded ensemble in the Zellner Brothers’ ALPHA GANG. Alien world domination has never looked this good. Or been as absurdly funny.

The Alpha Gang are alien invaders sent on a mission to conquer Earth… if they don’t self-destruct along the way. Disguised in human form,  armed and dangerous, and in 1950’s leather clad biker get-up, they show no mercy… until they catch the most toxic, contagious human disease of all: emotion. Project taking over the world has spiraled out of control.