A film by Jacques Feyder

Cast : Jean Forest, Henri Duval, Rachel Devirys

1923 / drama / original title : VISAGES D'ENFANTS / 116’ / Black & White / status : completed / long feature-film / International collections

The dramatic story of a young boy who lives in a village in the Haut-Valais region of Switzerland, and is unable to cope with the death of his mother. He becomes increasingly desperate when his father remarries a young widow with a daughter of her own. The two children, Jean and Arlette, do not get along. One night, Jean tricks his half sister into going and looking for her doll out on the mountain. The little girl gets lost and almost dies in an avalanche. Stricken with guilt and worn down by his father’s coldness towards him, Jean tries to kill himself by throwing himself into a mountain stream. His mother-in-law saves him just in time. The little boy is then able to enjoy the joy and warmth of his new home life.