Cast : Zao Tao, Jia Zhangke
2015 / documentaire / titre original : JIA ZHANGKE, A GUY FROM FENYANG / 98’ / Couleur / statut : film fini / long-métrage / Collections Internationales
Walter Salles suit Jia Zhang-Ke en Chine sur les lieux de tournage de ses premiers films et dresse un portrait touchant d’un des plus grands réalisateurs contemporains.
«“Intelligent and warmly intmate»
«“What Salles and his fellow interviewer, the French critic Jean-Michel Frodon, reveal in A Guy from Fenyang is a man on fire”»
Hollywood Reporter
«“A rich and often moving tribute (…) an insightful and revelatory experience”»
«“Salles maintains an admirable humility (…) Jia is both articulate about his aims with his films and willing to be emotionally candid in front of Salles’s camera.”»
Slant Magazine