A film by Marcel Pagnol

Cast : Raimu, Fernandel, Josette Day

1941 / drama / France / original title : LA FILLE DU PUISATIER / 170’ / Noir & blanc / status : completed / French / long feature-film / All Rights / French and International catalog

When war is declared, Patricia, a modest young girl, sees Jacques Mazel, a pilot in the army, leave. Blamed by her father, a well-digger, and rejected by the Mazels, wealthy merchants, she gives birth at an aunt’s house. But when Jacques is reported missing, the grandparents gather around the cradle and listen together to the Head of State announce the surrender of France.


«The most delightful French comedy»

The New York Times

«Marcel Pagnol’s warm-hearted tales of peasant life defined the international image of French cinema before the war»

Chicago Reader

«The father of neo-realism in cinema is not me, it is Marcel Pagnol. If I had not seen The Well-digger’s Daughter, I would never have shot Rome, Open City.»

Roberto Rossellini

Pro section

press kit

Poster (4.35 Mb)