A film by Marc Allégret

Cast : Raimu, Pierre Fresnay, Orane Demazis

1932 / drama / France / 140’ / Noir & blanc / status : completed / French / long feature-film / All Rights / French and International catalog

Marius embarked on “La Malaisie”, yielding to the irrepressible call of the sea. He left behind his old father César and his fiancée Fanny, who was carrying his child. Without news of the man she has loved for several months, the young woman resolves to marry the brave Honoré Panisse to give a father to her child. Very much in love with Fanny and delighted to have a child, Panisse adopts little Césariot. But one day, Marius returns…


«Cinema in general existed before talking pictures. Not for Pagnol, speaking is as essential to him as colour is to Michelangelo»

Jean Renoir

Pro section

press kit

Poster (2.61 Mb)