A film by François Truffaut

Cast : Jane Lobre, Nathalie Baye, François Truffaut

1977 / drama / France / original title : THE GREEN ROOM / 94’ / Color / status : completed / French / long feature-film / French collections

Shortly after the First World War, Julien Davenne goes home to live a quiet life in the town he was born in, together with his housekeeper. Julien’s life conceals a secret: his passionate memories of Julie Davenne, his wife, who died a sudden death, shortly after they were married. One room in his house, the ‘green room’ is devoted to his worship of the dead woman, and Julien spends many hours there, meditating. His search for memories linked to Julie leads him to an auction room where objects belonging to Julie’s family are about to be sold off. Cécilia Mandel, who is the auctioneer’s assistant, helps Julien to find a ring that belonged to Julie. They have both experienced a rare event: the appearance of a loved one at the exact moment of death when they were a great distance apart from each other. This naturally leads them to a mutual understanding and to becoming friends. The film shows how Julien and Cécilia’s relationship evolves.
