A film by Timité BASSORI

1969 / Ivory Coast / 80’ / Noir & blanc / status : completed

A young African intellectual frequently has nightmares of a woman with a knife. These nightmares cause him sexual inhibition and prevent him from having normal relationships. Through a combination of traditional African healing and Western psychoanalysis, he ultimately realises that these “sightings” are the result of a traumatic experience at a younger age when his strict mother caught him embracing a girl and chastised him for it.


Restored by Cineteca di Bologna/L’Immagine Ritrovata and The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project. Restoration funded by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation. This restoration is part of the African Film Heritage Project, an initiative created by The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project, the Pan African Federation of Filmmakers and UNESCO – in collaboration with Cineteca di Bologna – to help locate, restore, and disseminate African cinema.