A film by Patrick Le Gall

2002 / documentary / titre original : CLAUDE CHABROL, L'ARTISAN / 52’ / Couleur / statut : completed / short film / French collections

The idea behind this portrait is to take a look behind the scenes, rather than trying to provide a retrospective of this filmmaker’s lengthy career, but to give an insight into his personality which comes out in the way he films places, people, and situations. Indeed, Chabrol’s personality lends his films a unique, easily identifiable flavour. His personality is like a thread running through his career: his films change and evolve with him. This documentary sets out to capture his personality by concentrating on his first film (“Handsome Serge” / “Le Beau Serge”) and on his latest (currently in production). We chose the first film, because it is the foundation stone of his work and the proof of his apprenticeship. We chose the next film, because it means that he is still alive, constantly evolving, and consistent with his past, even if he prefers to look in front, rather than behind him. To dwell on Chabrol is to journey through an entire cinematic genre, to discover a unique way of working, and to take a look at an unusual filmmaker and his unusual brand of cinema.